Great Fiction and Non-fiction Reads with Out-of-School-Time Themes

September 5, 2019

NIOST staff love to read, so we’re sharing a few books from our summer reading that have a connection to out-of-school-time (OST) themes such as professional development or OST experiences.

Afterschool Reading

ChangemakersChangemakers! Practitioners Advance Equity and Access in Out-of-School Time Programs, edited by Sara Hill and Femi Vance, non-fiction

Changemakers! Practitioners Advance Equity and Access in Out-of-School Time Programs offers an uplifting and inspiring blend of narrative, scholarship, and human experience focused on issues of access and equity in the OST field. Believing that there is a pathway to change before us, the authors have carefully crafted chapters of essential guidance for OST program directors, leaders, researchers, and funders on transforming our field to fairly and fully support all children and youth. An invaluable resource of practical and on-the-ground information. Dr. Georgia Hall, NIOST Director and Senior Research Scientist

SwitchSwitch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, by Chip and Dan Heath, non-fiction

Switch focuses on leadership and the many roles leaders need to play to create change when they have few resources and no title or authority to back them up. The Heaths discuss the psychological resistance to change and provide many examples of being a change agent, an openness to new ideas and shared leadership, and utilizing one’s strengths to become the best leader possible. Liz Joye, NIOST Trainer

screenqueensScreen Queens, by Lori Goldstein, fiction

Out-of-school time is a key theme in this contemporary young adult book about three young women who work hard, overcome challenges, and learn a lot about themselves all while attending a summer technology program. In an unexpected subplot, the three characters overcome their personal differences in part by mentoring youth at another summer OST program. Impressively written, and incorporating interesting and relevant STEM topics, this is a truly enjoyable read for all ages. These young women are an inspiration to anyone who has ever faced a challenge. Carrie Bennett, NIOST Administrative Assistant


    "NIOST has been an anchor for numerous school age care projects we do, including ASQ (After-School Quality) and Links to Learning. They are a nationally respected organization that Pennsylvania has partnered with for over 20 years."

    – Betsy O. Saatman, TA Specialist/SAC Initiatives, Pennsylvania Key

    "NIOST was a core partner in supporting the development of quality improvement systems across the nine cities that participated in The Wallace Foundation Next Generation Afterschool System-Building Initiative. The NIOST team worked well with other technical assistance partners in the initiative, always willing to pitch in and collaborate with others to make our professional learning community meetings a team effort. I truly hope the Foundation has an opportunity to partner with them in the future."

    – Priscilla M. Little, Initiative Manager, The Wallace Foundation


    "NIOST has been a leader in the out-of-school time field for as long as I can remember, and I have relied on their research, tools, and advice to improve my practice throughout my career. Their staff members are good partners and good listeners, and their influence across the country is palpable."

    – Jane Quinn, Vice President and Director of National Center for Community Schools, Children's Aid Society

    "Georgia Hall, Ellen Gannett, and the NIOST team have been instrumental in driving the healthy afterschool movement. Their dedication to quality practice, informed policy, and collective impact is instrumental in our effort to create healthier communities."

    – Daniel W. Hatcher, Director, Community Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

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The National Institute on Out-of-School Time

A program of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College

Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481-8203 USA
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