Be Safe Initiative

Completed in 2012

Project Director: Georgia Hall, Ph.D.

Team Member: Diane Gruber, M.A.



NIOST has been involved with the Be Safe project since 2007.  NIOST is responsible for the evaluation of the BE SAFE initiative. The evaluation approach used includes surveys, interviews, focus groups, and site observations. The researchers examine implementation issues, the results of which can be utilized for continued program improvement and development. The researchers will also investigate outcomes associated with the BE SAFE training, consultation, and policy development activities. Overall, the evaluation is intended to assess the efficacy and impacts of the BE SAFE initiative.


BE SAFE Description:

BE SAFE is a multi-year collaboration that focuses on youth and the interconnected issues of sexual and mental health; substance use; healthy relationships and sexual violence. BE SAFE is a partnership among: AIDS Action Committee of MA; Boston Area Rape Crisis Center; The City School; Community Advocacy Program of CCHERS; The Dimock Center and Planned Parenthood League of MA.

BE SAFE Vision:

Healthy transition into adulthood for all youth

BE SAFE Mission:

BE SAFE changes systems that serve youth by increasing the capacity of programs to support young people regarding the interconnected health issues they face.

We do this by:

  • Valuing and listening to youth voice; viewing young people as experts in their own lives
  • Leveraging existing resources by working in coalition
  • Helping to create safe environments where adults are knowledgeable, ask-able and approachable.



  1. BE SAFE 101 and 201 Trainings
  2. Policy and Procedure Consultation
  3. External Evaluation


Contact Stephanie Trilling at (617)649-1267, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information on BE SAFE!


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    "NIOST has been an anchor for numerous school age care projects we do, including ASQ (After-School Quality) and Links to Learning. They are a nationally respected organization that Pennsylvania has partnered with for over 20 years."

    – Betsy O. Saatman, TA Specialist/SAC Initiatives, Pennsylvania Key

    "NIOST was a core partner in supporting the development of quality improvement systems across the nine cities that participated in The Wallace Foundation Next Generation Afterschool System-Building Initiative. The NIOST team worked well with other technical assistance partners in the initiative, always willing to pitch in and collaborate with others to make our professional learning community meetings a team effort. I truly hope the Foundation has an opportunity to partner with them in the future."

    – Priscilla M. Little, Initiative Manager, The Wallace Foundation


    "NIOST has been a leader in the out-of-school time field for as long as I can remember, and I have relied on their research, tools, and advice to improve my practice throughout my career. Their staff members are good partners and good listeners, and their influence across the country is palpable."

    – Jane Quinn, Vice President and Director of National Center for Community Schools, Children's Aid Society

    "Georgia Hall, Ellen Gannett, and the NIOST team have been instrumental in driving the healthy afterschool movement. Their dedication to quality practice, informed policy, and collective impact is instrumental in our effort to create healthier communities."

    – Daniel W. Hatcher, Director, Community Partnerships, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

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The National Institute on Out-of-School Time

A program of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College

Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481-8203 USA
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